
A: Hi, Lucy. Nice to see you.

B: Hey, Xiao Ming. I’m going to stay here to spend the Mid—autumn Festival. 1.

A: 2. The Mid—autumn Festival always comes on the 15th of the eighth lunar month.

B: 3.

A: In our Chinese tradition, it is the time for the family to get together. People eat mooncakes and enjoy the bright full moon on that day.

B: 4. I can’t wait for the coming of that day.

A: If so, you can come to celebrate it with my family.

B: Can I? 5.

A.Sounds great!

B.That’s very kind of you.

C.Can you tell me something about it?

D.With pleasure.

E.How do you celebrate it?










措 施



3.……(自由发挥1 — 2点)









Dear fellow students,

Recently, a class meeting themed with Revere Nature, Protect Wild Animals was held in Class 1, Grade 9._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


How to Exercise Well

Warm up. It is important to warm up before you exercise. You need to stretch your legs, arms, back and neck before you do any difficult activities like running.

Find good places to exercise. You do not need to spend a lot of money exercising. You can run or play sports in a park or in your school gym. You don’t need to buy exercise equipment for your home. Just get your body moving!

Don’t work too hard. Choose a sport that you are interested in and then your exercise will be fun instead of work. Also, you only need to exercise a few times each week. If you exercise for 30 minutes each time, you will stay healthy.

Drink enough water. It is important to drink water when you exercise. Your body needs the water for energy and for keeping cool.

Be careful! If you hurt yourself while you are exercising, rest until you feel better. Exercising when you are hurt is bad for your health.


Warm up.

You need to 1. your legs, arms, back and neck before you do any difficult activities like running.

Find good places to exercise.

You can run or play 2. in a park or in your school gym.

Don’t work too hard.

Choose a sport that you 3. and then your exercise will be fun instead of work.

Drink enough water.

Your 4. needs the water for energy and for keeping cool.

Be careful!

If you hurt yourself 5. exercising, rest until you feel better.

In a faraway country, there were two carpenters (木匠) who were both so good at their job that no one could tell who was better.

One day, the country's king thought of a way to figure out which one was better. He would have them compete against each other in a contest. The winner would become the official royal(皇家的)carpenter.

The king sent for the two carpenters and the contest began. The carpenters were given three days to carve (雕刻) a wooden mouse. Whoever carved the most lifelike mouse would be the winner.

The first carpenter carved a fine mouse with vivid (生动的) and lifelike feature. The second carpenter's mouse, however, looked quite rough. In fact, it hardly even looked like a mouse at all.

The king and his ministers (大臣) agreed that the first carpenter was the winner.

The second carpenter said, "This judgment is unfair. We should ask a cat which mouse looks the most realistic. Cats can recognize mice much better than humans, after all."

The king thought this was a good idea. He ordered his ministers to catch several cats and bring them to judge (评判) the carpenters' mice. Surprisingly, all of the cats were more attracted to the second carpenter's mouse.

The king asked the second carpenter, "How did you make the cats believe that your mouse looked more real?" The carpenter said, "Your Majesty, if you look closely, you can see that I carved a mouse holding a fishbone! The cats care not about how real it looks, but how delicious it might taste."

1.Whose carved mouse looked quite rough?

A.Neither of the two carpenters' B.Both of the two carpenters'

C.The first carpenter's D.The second carpenter's

2.Why did they catch some cats to judge the two carpenters' works?

A.Because they thought cats could recognize mice much better than humans.

B.Because people didn't like the two carpenters' carved mice.

C.Because they wanted to cancel the difficult contest.

D.Because they all wanted to become the official royal carpenter.

3.What’s the correct order of the following things?

① They caught some cats to judge the two carpenters' carved mice.

② The second carpenter became the final winner at last.

③ The king and his ministers agreed the first carpenter was the winner.

④ The king held a contest to choose the best carpenter.

A.①②③④ B.④③①② C.③②①④ D.④②①③

4.What's the best title of this article?

A.Two Silly Carpenters. B.An Unfair Contest.

C.A Clever Carpenter. D.A Mouse and Cats.

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