It was one o’clock in the morning when I at last succeeded in creating life.

As I looked at the lifeless human being, I saw one eye slowly open. Then he began to breathe and move his arms. At first, I thought he would be a fine-looking man. He had yellow skin, black hair and very white teeth. Unluckily, his eyes were watery, and his lips were thin and colorless. I soon realized that there was nothing beautiful about him. I ran out of the room, disgusted (恶心) by the creature I had created. I tried to sleep, but for hours I could not. Then, when I did get to sleep, I had bad dreams. When I

awoke the next morning, I did not want to return to my laboratory and the monster I had created.I went for a long walk until I came to an inn. There, to my pleasure and surprise, I found my friend, Henry Clerval. “Tell me about my family,” I asked him. “And Elizabeth, How is she?”

“They are all well, Frankenstein,” he said. “But you do not look well, my friend. Your eyes look as if you have not slept for many weeks.”

I knew this was true. “I have been so busy,” I explained, “that I have been working without rest.” Henry walked back with me to my department. I did not want him to, but I could not stop him. I was afraid that the creature I had left there might be alive and walking about. When we reached my apartment, I asked Henry to wait outside for a few minutes. I did not explain why. I slowly opened the door and entered the room. To my surprise, it was empty. The creature had gone. I was so overcome by the feeling that I fainted. I was ill for many months.

During my illness, Henry was my only nurse. He heard me talking in my sleep about a monster. At first, he thought I was just having a bad dream, but then he realized that something very bad happened in my life. At last, I began to get better.

1.What is this passage probably taken from?

A.A news report. B.A science fiction. C.A travel guide. D.a history book.

2.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.The birth of the creature. B.The personalities of the creature.

C.The happy feeling of creating life. D.The spirit of the creature.

3.What does the underlined word “fainted” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.broke down B.cheered C.lost senses D.went wrong

Do you know that a student can produce up to 240 pounds of school waste and lots of waste gas (气体) during a term? This includes transportation, food, paper, pens, pencils and so on.

Transportation Some parents drive their kids to school every day. We all know waste gas from cars is a main cause air pollution. If parents who live in a neighborhood can take turns to drive their kids to school each day, that’ll be better. Another way of going green is to walk to school if students live near their schools.

Food It’s surprising that only one elementary school can produce up to 19,000 pounds of lunch waste each year. That’s only one school. One way to help take care of the environment is to stop using plastic bags. There are all kinds of environmental boxes for students to put their food in.

Paper, pens and pencils Lots of paper is thrown away by American students. They throw away about 1.6 billion pens every year. They waste many pens and chemicals (化学药品) in them are bad for the environment. Many more pencils are thrown away than pens. Pencils are made from trees, so if more pencils are thrown away, more trees will be cut down. So students should reuse (再使用) paper, pens and pencils instead of throwing them away.

Backpacks As fashion comes and goes, almost every kid needs a new backpack every year. They can save lots of money and materials if they reuse the same schoolbags each year.

How to save the environment


If possible, parents in a neighborhood should

1. to drive their kids to school each day.

Students can go to school 2. if their homes are not far from their schools.


3. can be used to keep food for lunch instead of plastic bags.

Paper, pens and pencils

Papers, pens and pencils shouldn’t 4., but be reused.


Lots of money and materials can be saved if the same

5. each year.

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