On my eighth birthday, Dad bought me an accordion(手风琴) and said excitedly, "Once you learn to play, it'll stay with you for life." But I didn't want to play it. I just wanted to play games, But Dad asked me to take accordion lessons.
One day, I found a box in a corner. When I opened it, I saw a beautiful violin. "It was your father's," Mum said. "His parents bought it for him. I guess he got too busy on the farm to learn to play it."
I had to practice half an hour every day, and every day I tried to get out of it. But Dad didn't allow. I asked why. He answered, "Because you can bring people joy. You can touch their hearts." He added softly, "Someday you'll have the chance I never had: you'll play beautiful music for your family. And you'll understand why you've worked so hard." I was speechless.
The lessons stopped after I finished high school. When I grew up, I got married and moved into a new house. I put the accordion in the attic(阁楼).
One afternoon, my two children found the accordion by accident (偶然). They got very excited. "Play it. Play it," they laughed and said. I started to play some simple songs. I was surprised I could still remember them. Soon the kids were dancing. Even my wife was laughing and clapping to the beat.
At that moment, my father's words came back to me, "Someday you'll have the chance I never had. And you'll understand." I finally knew why Dad had asked me to practice hard. Dad never learnt to play his violin. But I told my family, "This is my father's music."
【小题1】My father didn't learn to play his violin when he was young because _______.
A.he didn't like to play the violin
B.he had to support his family
C.he wanted to play games
D.he didn't keep on practicing
【小题2】How might the writer feel when he had to practice playing the accordion?
【小题3】"Dad didn't allow" means "_______".
A.Dad didn't agree with me.
B.Dad didn’t keep me doing it.
C.Dad didn't help me do it.
D.Dad didn't see me do it.
【小题4】What were the writer’s children doing when he started to play simple songs?
A.SingingB.DancingC.Clapping to the beatD.Screaming
【小题5】Dad asked me to learn to play the accordion so that _______.
A.I could go to a better school
B.I could give myself much joy
C.I could be a useful man
D.I could make people happy
Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted to steal (偷) the bell on his neighbor’s door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.
Then he sat down to think, “I must do something about the noise,” he said. He thought and thought. At last he had an idea. “Ah, I’ll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won’t be able to hear the noise.” The next day he went to the door of his neighbor, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just then the neighbor came running out. “Steal my bell? I’ll teach you a lesson (教训),”the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the nose.
The foolish thief did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered (感到疑惑).
【小题1】The thief was trying to get         .
A.his neighborB.his neighbor’s doorbell
C.some cottonD.a door with a bell on it
【小题2】The thief put some cotton in his ears. He thought it would be       for him to steal the doorbell.
【小题3】 The neighbor ran out probably (很可能) because_________.
A.he knew his doorbell was being stolen
B.he thought someone was eager (渴望的) to visit him
C.He realized (意识到) something strange happened
D.Both B and C
【小题4】 The neighbor hit the thief to ________.
A.give him lessonsB.punish (惩罚) him for stealing
C.help him with the bellD.be his teacher
【小题5】 Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The thief understood why he was hit on the nose.
B.The thief knew why the neighbor came out.
C.The thief thought the neighbor could not hear the bell.
D.The thief didn’t want to know why the neighbor ran out just at the time he stole the doorbell.

We arrived       Mount Tai in the morning with my parents. That      a beautiful day. We      our trip at 9:00.         in my family took a bag     some food and water.      three hours, we got to the top. I was so tired that I wanted to have a rest.      the city looked wonderful from the top of the hill! Then we had our lunch at 1:00 p.m. .After a while, it      hardly, so everyone put a raincoat on. You       think we would feel sad. No. We       were excited, because we saw       wonderful waterfall in the mountain. It was so beautiful       we forgot about the last 3 hours. At 4 p.m., we came back to the foot of mountain. My father bought         tea for my grandparents. My mother bought a beautiful necklace for          . I didn’t buy anything, because       there was too expensive, and I didn’t have much money.    

1.A. in          B. at          C. on             D. to

2.A. is           B. where       C. are            D. was

3.A. went        B. bought      C. started         D. stopped

4.A. Someone     B. Anyone      C. No one        D. Everyone

5.A. in                B. on          C. with          D. carried

6.A. After         B. On          C. For          D. With

7.A. And         B. So           C. But          D. Then

8.A. rain          B. rains         C. rained        D. raining

9.A. can          B. need          C. must        D. will

10.A. both              B. each          C. too          D. all

11.A. very               B. very much     C. quite a       D. a quite

12.A. that          B. because       C. so           D. then

13.A. many             B. a few         C. some         D. few

14.A. himself          B. herself        C. she          D. her

15.A. everything       B. something     C. nothing       D. anything


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