No matter how carefully we check a composition(作品), it seems there’s always one more little mistake waiting to be discovered. The following tips may help you find your mistakes before anyone else does.

First of all, give it a rest. If time is allowed, set your composition aside for a few hours after you’ve finished it, and then read it carefully to correct mistakes with fresh eyes.

Secondly, look for one type of problem at a time. Read through your composition a few times, concentrating first on sentence structures, then word choice, then spelling, and at last punctuation. As the saying goes, if you look for trouble, you’re likely to find it.

If you don’t believe in yourself, you can ask a friend for help. Read your composition to him aloud. You can also ask him to read it aloud. You may hear a problem that you can’t see. Your friend can also help you find some mistakes.

Then, try to read your composition backward. Another way to catch spelling mistakes is to read backward, from right to left, starting with the last word in your composition.

Another method that helps writers a lot is to keep a list of the types of mistakes they commonly make, and then use the list each time they correct their works.

1. for checking a composition

If time is allowed

Give it a rest. Put your composition aside and read it several hours 2.. So that you can read it with fresh eyes. And read it 3..

If you look for trouble, it’s very possible for you to 4. it.

It’s a great idea to read your composition a few times and pay 5. to the following aspects one by one.

※sentence structures ※word choice

※spelling ※punctuation

If you are not 6.enough

You can ask a friend to 7. you. Read your composition aloud to your friend or ask your friend to read aloud to you. 8. you can hear a problem that you can’t see.

More tips

Read the composition backward to catch 9. mistakes.

Keep a list of the types of 10. mistakes.

Science Night

It’s almost time for Science Night.

I need a partner. Who should I ask?

I have three friends who all want to help.

How can I choose just one for the task?

My best friend Jule is fun to be around.

But she’s as chatty as a bird.

When she start to talk-just watch out!

I can’t get in a single word.

Still, that might work for Science Night;

She’d show our project to the crowd.

Jule’s voice would boom out like a drum.

I wouldn’t mind if she were extra loud!

And then there’s Dan, who’s really shy

But wise as an owl—he’s so smart?

He’d help with the thinking for the job.

He wouldn’t talk, but he’d do his part.

But what about Shel, who’s good at art?

He paints and draws and sculpts so well.

Our project would look great no doubt!

I’m sure I should be asking Shel.

How can I choose just one from three?

I need them all! I’m feeling sick.

I’m as dizzy as a spinning top.

When trying to choose. I just can’t pick!

But wait—why not ask them all to help?

A group of four is better than one.

I’d love to work with all my friends.

In such a group, we’d have such fun!

The work could be shared by four of us.

Be me and Shel and Dan and Jule.

We’d fit together like puzzle pieces.

And take the grand prize in the school!

1.The speaker compares Jule’s voice to a drum to show _________. loud her voice is B.that she likes to play drums nice her voice is D.that she likes to order others

2.What does the speaker learn in this poem?

A.Projects should be done alone. B.Doing a project is difficult.

C.Puzzles are easy to put together. D.Everybody has their talent.

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