When I lived in France last year, my friends and I decided to have a "friends giving" in November because we were so far away from our families. We decided to have the dinner at my friend Brigitte's apartment in Paris. There was only one problem. It was difficult to get a turkey because French people don't celebrate Thanksgiving. The day before our "friends giving" dinner, Brigitte and I went to four different markets to look for a turkey. It took us five hours, but we finally found one. We were so excited!

The next day, everyone brought different foods from their home country to share. There was Moroccan (摩洛哥的) food, Italian food, German food, and of course French food. While we waited for the turkey to cook, we played cards and told stories. That's when we heard a loud BANG! We all ran to the kitchen. There was water everywhere. The water pipes under Brigitte's kitchen sink were broken. The kitchen was filling with water very fast.

"Jack, you all grab the food and run to the roof (屋顶)!" Brigitte yelled. We took all the food, plates, drinks and silverware and ran to the roof. Brigitte ran outside to turn off the water. That's when we realized the turkey was still in the oven. We ran to the flooded kitchen, grabbed some gloves, and pulled the turkey out of the oven.

In the end, we all had an amazing "friends giving" dinner on a Parisian rooftop with all of our good friends. The turkey was a little darker and "crispy" but still delicious.

1.Jack decided to have ________ in France in November last year.

A.a party B.a picnic C.a friends giving D.a Thanksgiving

2.In order to find a turkey, it took them ________ to look for it in four different markets.

A.five hours B.forty minutes C.two days D.a week

3.What happened when they heard a loud BANG?

A.The friends shared different foods. B.They played cars and told stories happily.

C.Jack and Brigitte cooked the turkey. D.The water pipes were suddenly broken.

4.What did they do to save the turkey in the oven?

A.Run to the roof with all the food. B.Run outside with all of the things.

C.Turn off the water with the gloves. D.Pull the turkey out with the gloves.

5.How did Jack and his friends feel in the end?

A.Amazing turkey, delicious dinner. B.A little afraid, pretty amazed.

C.A little darker but still delicious. D.Just amazed, totally afraid.

If you always put off doing things you should do or would like to do, you have experienced procrastination(拖延症).

Do you have procrastination because you are lazy? In fact, lazy people don’t do anything and are just fine with it. Procrastinators, however, want to do something but can’t force(促成) themselves to start.

There’s a goal in your brain, for example, what are the tasks to be completed today? What goals need to be achieved this year? Everything is in control.

But at the same time, your brain will also have a love of freedom, know how to enjoy yourself. Whenever you secretly make up your mind to complete a task, this “you” will give you a list of temptations. And you will fall step by step.

So if you are a procrastinator, perhaps you spend lots of time watching TV, playing video games, checking WeChat, eating, cleaning or walking back and forth through the room. Afterwards, you feel powerless and have the feeling of guilt(内疚) and trouble.

We all have procrastination more or less. __________ For example, it took Da Vinci(达·芬奇) sixteen years to complete the smile of Mona Lisa. In the middle of the delay(拖延), he went to study and changed his idea of light and shadow.

Excellent people also need to procrastinate, so that inspiration(灵感) has more time in their heads to collide(冲突) with each other. So procrastination is not always terrible. What’s terrible is that we don’t know why we procrastinate. The best way to deal with procrastination is to really understand your heart and find out the reason why it’s not easy for you to start. Some people procrastinate to think, while others procrastinate to escape(逃避).

Do you have the habit of procrastination in your daily life? What is the reason?

1.If you are a procrastinator, you might spend much time doing many activities EXСЕРТ __________.

A.checking WeChat B.doing the task now C.walking around the room D.playing video games

2.The underlined word temptation in Paragraph 4 means “__________” in Chinese.

A.打击 B.快乐 C.诱惑 D.计划

3.Which of the following sentences can be put in the __________?

A.However, you are more procrastinating than those successful people.

B.Procrastination is always a good thing to everyone.

C.There are many ways to deal with procrastination.

D.Excellent people may be more procrastinating than you.

4.The writer thinks __________.

A.sometimes people need to procrastinate B.procrastinators don’t want to do meaningful tasks

C.people have procrastination because they are lazy D.procrastination always gets in the way of success

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