
---You didn’t have so much time, did you?
---_______. I had nothing to do all day

  1. A.
    Yes, I did
  2. B.
    Yes , I didn’t
  3. C.
    No. I didn’t
  4. D.
    No. I did
What is your favorite colour? Do you like yellow, orange, red? If you do, you must be an optimist (乐观者), a leader or an active person who enjoys life, people and excitement. Do you prefer grey and blue? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined(有决心的). You wish to succeed and want other people to see you are successful. At least this is what psychologists(心理学家)tell us, and they should know, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference (爱好), and the effect that colours have on human beings(人类).They tell us that we don't choose our favorite colour as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly.
A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and comfortable than a dark green one, and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day. On the other hand, black is depressing(压抑的). Light and bright colours make people not only happier but also more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark grey .
Remember, then, that if you feel low, you can always brighten your day or your life with a new shirt or a few colourful things. Remember also that you will know your friends and your enemies better when you find out what colours they like and dislike. And don't forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief or a lampshade(灯罩).
【小题1】According to this passage, ________. 
A.one can choose his colour preference
B.one is born with his colour preference
C.one's colour preference is changeable
D.one has to choose his favourite colour as he can see clearly
【小题2】If one enjoys life, one is sure to prefer________.
A.red to yellow B.blue to orange
C.red to grey D.blue to yellow
【小题3】The main idea of this passage is ________.
A.one's color preference show one's character
B.you can brighten your life with wonderful colours
C.psychologists have been studying the meaning of colour preference
D.one's color preference has something to do with his character and colours have effects on human beings
【小题4】The writer believes that in realizing the four modernizations(四个现代化) of our country, we need more people who love ________.
【小题5】“I'm feeling black.” means “________ ”.
A.I am feeling well.B.I am very happy.
C.I am excited.D.I am depressed
Where do our favorite foods come from? The truth may surprise you. Did you know curry isn’t Indian? Did you know Americans weren’t the first to eat hamburgers? Or did you know pizza wasn’t created in Italy?
First, let’s talk about curry.     【小题1】    But in reality(事实), wealthy English people were cooking with curry spices (香料) hundreds of years before British ships traveled to India.
  【小题2】    Cooks of wealthy English families created curry dishes, and later these dishes became popular in other parts of England.
  【小题3】   The Persians were eating round, flat bread with cheese in the 500s-nearly one thousand years before pizza became popular in Naples, Italy!
Finally let’s look at the truth behind hamburgers. Many people think hamburgers are an American food.   【小题4】   A German named Otto Kuasw made the first hamburger in 1891. Four years later, German sailors introduced hamburgers to Americans.
Where foods come from isn’t nearly as important as how they taste—delicious!  【小题5】   
A.However according to some stories, hamburgers came from Hamburg, Germany.
B.So, go and get some of your favorite and enjoy it.
C.Many people think the English found out about curry from people in India in the 1660s.
D.As for pizzas, this dish was probably first made in Persia(波斯).
E. In fact, the word “curry” can be found in the English language as far back as 1377.

Last year when Tom graduated from school, he came to Taibei. He didn't like to work on his father's farm and hoped to find a job in a big city. He went from one company to another but no one wanted him. With little money left, he got to the station, sad and tired. All he wanted to do was go back to his small town. It was very late at night and the station was full of people. They were waiting to buy tickets of the last train. He bought the last ticket, and he was very happy.

At that time, a woman with a crying baby walked to him and asked him to sell her the ticket. He gave her the ticket because he thought they needed it more than he did. After the train left, he sat on the bench and didn't know where to go. Suddenly, an old man came and said, "Young man, I have seen what you did to the woman. I am the owner of a big company. I need a good young man like you. Would you like to work for me?

1.Tom came to the station to _______.

A. find a job        B. take the train home

C. sell the ticket       D. take the train to Taibei

2.The woman walked to Tom because _______.

A. she was Tom's old friend    

B. her child wanted to talk to Tom

C. she needed to take the train 

D. she had no money to buy a ticket

3.Tom didn't take the train because _______.

A. he didn't take a train ticket   

B. he missed the train

C. he wanted to talk to the old man

D. he gave his ticket to the woman

4.The old man wanted to _______.

A. lend Tom some money     B. give Tom a job

C. say "Thank you " to Tom   D. sit on the bench with Tom

5.What can we learn from this story?

A. Many people find job in a train station.

B. Don't buy the last ticket of the train.

C. If we try our best to help others, others will help us.

D. We should not give our ticket to others in a train station.


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