

Civil engineer

Master's degree or 10-15 years' work experience in Tronica city, Ghaziabad Age: 24-55 years old

Call us: 99-25801107

For rent

Three-bedroom house

One kitchen, two bathrooms and a small garden No parking

No pets allowed

Location: 304b, High street, Skye, IV51 9UE Call us: 44-7890 023344


Second-hand bicycle

2016 Lynskey MT650 titanium 15” mountain bike

Going for less than 50 percent of original purchase price

Bought on Oct 21, 2017 Serious inquiries only Call us: 012-2830171

For more classified ad information, please visit: www.gumtree.uk


1.The civil engineering position is suitable for________.

A.high school students B.people with five years of work experience

C.60-year-old people D.master's degree holders

2.Which of the following groups might want to rent the house?

A.Pet lovers. B.A family with a car.

C.People who want two bathrooms. D.People who want a large garden.

3.What may be the Chinese meaning of “original purchase price”?

A.原始购买价 B.现在市场价 C.优惠价 D.手续费

4.The second-hand bicycle seller doesn't give information about the bike's________.

A.size B.price C.purchase date D.delivery(支付) method

5.If Andrew wants to sell some second-hand clothing, he might want to________.

A.call at 99-25801107 B.call at 44-7890 023344

C.call at 012-2830171 D.visit www.gumtree.uk


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