Today we tell about Louisa May Alcott. She wrote one of America’s best loved children’s books.
In 1868, an American publisher asked Louisa May Alcott to write a book for girls. At first, she was not sure if she wanted to do it. She said she didn’t like girls.
However, she decided to write the book finally. She told about her experiences growing up in the northeast of the United States. The book was quite interesting. Little Women became one of the most popular children’s books in American literature. It was published (出版)in more than 50 languages.
Alcott was born in Pennsylvania in 1832. The Alcotts did not have much money. She tried teaching, sewing(缝纫) and taking care of children. She did not like any of these jobs.
At the age of 16, she wrote her first book, Flower Fables. Her stories were exciting, but unreal. She sold them to newspapers and magazines for money.
The first volume (卷) of Little Women came out in 1868. It made Alcott famous and get a lot of money. She continued writing other popular books for young people. These books included An Old-Fashioned Girl, Little Men and Eight Cousins.
Alcott wrote many exciting stories about love. But she was single (独身的) all her life. She continued to help her family during the last years of her life.
【小题1】Alcott grew up in the ______ of the US.

【小题2】“One of America’s best loved children’s books” refers to (指的是) the book____.
A.Little WomenB.Flower Fables
C.An Old-Fashioned GirlD.Eight Cousins
【小题3】The first paragraph tells us that the article is about ______.
A.a famous children’s book B.a famous writer a book came out D.why a book is so loved
【小题4】Alcott wrote her first book in ______. 
A.1832B.1848C.1850 D.1868
【小题5】From the article, we can learn ______.
A.Alcott was born into a rich family
B.Alcott had a happy childhood
C.Alcott didn’t live with her family
D.Alcott never married all her life

Once there was a king. He had two old ministers. One was kind and the other was bad. The bad minister often said bad words about the kind minister before the king. The king was very angry.

One day the king said to the bad minister, “Write two words on two pieces of paper. Write ‘live’ on one piece and ‘die’ on the other. Then put them in a jar and tell him to choose. If he takes out the paper with ‘live’ on it, I’ll let him go. If he takes out the paper with ‘die’ on it, I’ll kill him at once. ”

The bad minister was quite happy. He got two pieces of paper ready. He wrote ‘die’ on each piece of paper.

The kind old man came. He knew the bad minister wanted to kill him. He also knew the words on the two pieces were both “die”. But he knew what to do. Later the king had to keep his word and let the old minister go. Do you know what the kind man did about this at that time?

He chose a piece of paper and ate it, When they saw the word “die” on the other piece, the king and other ministers thought the word on the piece that the kind man had eaten must be “live”, so he saved his own life by his cleverness .

1.The king was angry with ________.


B.the kind minister

C.the bad minister

D.all the ministers

2. Who was told to write “live” and “die”?

A.The king.

B.The bad minister .

C.The kind minister.

D.The two ministers.

3. The kind minister would ________ if he chose the paper with “live” on it.


C.give it back

4. There is no “live” on both pieces of paper because ________.

A.The kind minister didn’t want it

B.the bad minister couldn’t write the word

C.the king told the bad minister not to write it

D.the bad minister hated the kind minister and wanted to kill him

5. ________ must be disappointed in the end.

A.The king

B.The kind minister

C.The bad minister

D.All the other ministers


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