
You’re going to high school, aren’t you? Maybe you don’t know what to do. Well, here’s a list of the top six things to do when you’re in high school. These things will give you ideas of what your high school life could be like. Here you go!

①Find your passion(激情) and what kind of person you are: Whether it’s dance, basketball, or drawing, the important thing is that you have found something you are interested in.

②Talk to people you wouldn’t usually talk to: Meet new people, find new friends and even talk to people you don’t like. It will show what a great person you are. You never know what will happen after high school.

③Take part in at least one contest(竞赛): This will give you tears(眼泪) of laughter, happiness and memories.

④Get a job: This will help you see what it’s like to have responsibility (责任). It can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself.

⑤Take a trip with your friends: It doesn’t matter where you go or what you do, the memories will happen on the way and go on till the final place.

⑥Do your best at school: Don’t ever get lazy. Working hard now will help you in the future.

1.The writer mainly tells you six things you should do ____________.

A.in your high school years B.at the beginning of your high school years

C.before your high school begins D.after you finish your high school

2.From Point③, we know that you can ________ in a contest.

A.get lots of tears B.have a strong body

C.get good grades in high school D.have different feelings and memories

3.Which of the following you’d better NOT do according to the passage?

A.Find your interest. B.Get a job.

C.Take a trip with your friends. D.Get lazy.

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Have a happy school life. B.How to get along with your schoolmates.

C.Ideas of successful high school life. D.Make your school life easy.


One day, when I was young, I went climbing with my family. _______, halfway through the climb I ______ my parents. I remember clearly I was so scared that I began to cry. ______, some volunteers noticed me and looked after me. In their company(陪伴), I gradually ______down and finally I found my family.

I've always been thankful for their _______ and keep this experience in mind. ______that time, I have taken part in many activities and worked as a(n ) ______.

I remember one time at a bus stop I was especially impressed. It was my job ______ people on the right buses. There was a middle-aged auntie with some big bags who had been standing ______for a long time. She seemed to be confused(困惑的) and in ______ of help. I began to talk with her.

I found ______ she needed to go and then told her how to get there. The woman said she was going to see her ______ who, because she was so busy with work, hadn't been home for weeks. The woman had delicious food with her that she had ______ for her daughter. I was deeply moved by this show of love.

I really love voluntary work. In the future, I will _____ to pass on my love and reach out to people in need, just as those people reached out to me ______that frightening (令人害怕的) day in my childhood.

1.A.So B.Because C.However D.Therefore

2.A.lost B.found C.saw D.heard

3.A.Unluckily B.Luckily C.Unhappily D.Sadly

4.A.looked B.fell C.put D.calmed

5.A.help B.meaning C.peace D.silence

6.A.from B.since C.until D.before

7.A.teacher B.doctor C.volunteer D.engineer

8.A.to put B.put C.putting D.puts

9.A.alive B.lively C.lonely D.alone

10.A.need B.trust C.danger D.rest

11.A.when B.where C.why D.who

12.A.son B.grandson C.daughter D.uncle

13.A.gave B.showed C.prepared D.passed

14.A.end B.keep C.stop D.continue

15.A.in B.on C.at D.to

As teenagers, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very _______, such as winning the Nobel Prize, or _______ can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class. Once you find a dream, _______ do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?

You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is _______ for you to become a writer. These kinds of thoughts _______ you from getting your dream, the book says. In fact, everyone can make his dream come true. The first thing you must do is to remember what your _______ is.

Don’t let it leave your heart. Keep telling _______ what you want. Do this step by step and your dream will come true faster because a big dream is, in fact, made up of many small dreams. So never _______ your dream.

There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest _______ comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of watching TV will lead to better exam results, while saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. As you get closer __________ your dream, it may change a little. This is good as you have the chance to learn more skills and find new interests.

1.A.good B.bad C.big D.small

2.A.it B.they C.one D.which

3.A.what B.how C.why D.that

4.A.sure B.possible C.impossible D.easy

5.A.improve B.help C.guide D.stop

6.A.work B.dream C.subject D.thought

7.A.myself B.himself C.itself D.yourself

8.A.put up B.get up C.give up D.keep up

9.A.difficulty B.success C.result D.mistake

10.A.in B.to C.on D.off

Billy’s favorite color was orange. But he couldn’t see what orange looked like.

A month after he was born, his mother noticed that his eyes weren’t as _____________as a normal baby’s. “Billy would ___________ be able to see. He is blind.” The doctor said. Even so, with the hope to help Billy learn _____________ about the world around him, his mother kept describing everything she saw for him.

Not just through his mother’s words, Billy saw _____________ his ears and hands, too. He had perfect hearing. “In fact, he ___________ see many things that normal people don’t notice.”

___________Billy lived in the dark , he always thought a dream would light up his life. He found that he was _____________in computer science. So he began learning it at seven years old. As a young boy, he ___________ going to Stanford University some day. And for years of efforts, he finally achieved his dream.

Many people wanted to find out the secret of his___________. Billy explained, “Just move forward! Don’t let any difficulty ______________ your dream from coming true.”

You cannot choose what you are given, but you can choose how you make use of it.

1.A.bigger B.big C.biggest D.the biggest

2.A.no B.often C.usually D.never

3.A.neither B.none C.all D.both

4.A.with B.without C.among D.between

5.A.need B.should C.must D.can

6.A.Although B.If C.Or D.Before

7.A.bored B.interested C.kind D.worried

8.A.looked forward to B.looked for C.looked through D.looked up

9.A.trouble B.smile C.success D.eyes

10.A.wake B.throw C.leave D.prevent

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